English/Language Arts
When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young. – Maya Angelou
Barnstable High School’s English Department, in alignment with the vision and frameworks established by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, provides course offerings that will encourage our students to be critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, and lifelong learners. Literature provides students the opportunities to explore the world through a variety of lenses, sometimes providing a mirror to their own experiences; sometimes providing a window through which to view the experiences of others. We are committed to our students’ discovery of reading literature as an insight into the human condition and as a pleasurable experience. Furthermore, we are committed to our students’ discovery of writing as a means of self-expression and voice. The ability to speak and write clearly and persuasively, to know one’s audience and purpose, to be sensitive to cultural and disciplinary contexts, to listen carefully, and to engage in articulate, deep discussions is essential for personal and professional success.
The goal of the English Department is to encourage and enable all students to:
- Read with deeper understanding;
- Explore texts at literal, interpretive, and critical levels;
- Expand their repertoire of writing styles and genres;
- Write with increased insight, evidence, and clarity;
- Incorporate evidence to support their opinions and arguments, and cite their evidence appropriately;
- Increase their vocabulary
- Overcome their errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation through individualized correction;
- Become clearer, more articulate, and more confident oral communicators;
- Develop more sensitive listening skills;
- Become media literate students and citizens;
- Reflect on their development as thinkers, readers, writers, speakers, and listeners in order to better understand their own strengths and areas for growth;
- Become more organized, more diligent, more responsible, and more reflective as students and as citizens.
BHS English Department Staff
Laura A. Welch, M. ED., English Curriculum Coordinator, Grades 6-12
Barnstable High School
(508)790-6445, ext. 1205
English 1, English 3, English 4: Horror & Science Fiction |
Grade 8 English, English 2, Senior Experience |
Michael DiNubila | Grade 8 English |
English 1, English 3 |
Literacy Strategies, Reading Skills |
English 1, English 3 |
English 1, English 3, English 4: Contemporary Literature & Writing |
English 2, Advanced Placement Language & Composition |
English 1, English 4: Horror and Science Fiction |
Grade 8 English |
English 1, English 3, Newspaper Production 1-3, English 4: Newspaper Production |
English 2, English 4: World Literature |
Grade 8 English |
Molly Shanahan | English 2, English 3, English 4: Creative Writing |
English 1, Advanced Placement Language & Composition |
English 2, English 3, English 4: Children’s Literature |
English 1, English 2, English 4: Creative Writing |
English 1, English 3, Yearbook |
Grade 8 English, English 2, Advanced Placement English Literature & Composition |
Required Courses
Grade 8
Grade 8 students are required to take one of the following courses:
ENGLISH GRADE 8: College Prep | 1 Unit
The curriculum follows the state frameworks and standards. Frequent rehearsals of skill applications are given to incorporate reading comprehension, literary analysis and writing skills into their knowledge base. Note-taking skills and productive study habits will be consistently reinforced. Vocabulary and grammar may be presented in a variety of ways as to reflect the varied skill levels of the college preparatory student. Instructional methods may include small and large group discussions, cooperative learning, lectures, oral presentations, and independent reading/writing.
ENGLISH GRADE 8: Honors | 1 Unit
Recommendation: Completion of Grade 7 English with at least a B- or teacher recommendation.
Grade 8 Honors classes are designed for highly motivated students with strong academic skills. Students in honors classes must be prepared for: increased rigor, faster pace, greater depth of content area, consistent effort, and the ability to work independently. The curriculum follows the state frameworks and standards. Frequent rehearsals of skill applications are given to incorporate reading comprehension, literary analysis and writing skills into their knowledge base. Note-taking skills and productive study habits will be consistently reinforced. Vocabulary and grammar will be presented in a variety of ways. Instructional methods may include small and large group discussions, cooperative learning, lectures, oral presentations, and independent reading/writing.
Grade 9
Grade 9 students are required to take one of the following courses:
ENGLISH 1: Grade 9 | College Prep | 1 Credit
The curriculum for this course reflects the state recommended standards in the English Language Arts Frameworks document. More frequent rehearsals of skill applications are given to incorporate reading comprehension, literary analysis and writing skills into their knowledge base. Note-taking skills and productive study habits will be consistently reinforced. Vocabulary and grammar may be presented in a variety of ways to reflect the varied skill levels of the college preparatory student. Instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.
ENGLISH 1: Grade 9 | Honors | 1 Credit
Recommendation: Completion of Grade 8 English with at least a B- or teacher recommendation.
This course is for the highly motivated independent learner who possesses strong comprehension skills, well-organized note-taking skills, productive study habits, and demonstrates strong analytical skills. The curriculum reflects the recommended state standards in the Language Arts Framework document. Students are introduced to all genres of literature as well as extensive exposure to vocabulary and grammar. Literary analysis essays are based on the elements of literature. This level offers the college-bound student rigorous units of study. Class format emphasizes small and large group discussion, oral presentations, lecture, peer modeling and revision, and independent reading/writing.
Grade 10
Grade 10 students are required to take one of the following courses:
ENGLISH 2: Grade 10 | College Prep | 1 Credit
The curriculum for this course reflects the state recommended standards in the English Language Arts Frameworks document. Tenth grade students will complete the MCAS test in the spring of their sophomore year. Results from these tests will become a part of their permanent file. Major units of study reflect extensive vocabulary skills and effective language manipulation through writing, speaking, and performance. The texts read and studied include state-recommended classical literature as well as young adolescent literature. Students will further develop their reading comprehension, reading analysis, composition, and study skills. A variety of instructional methods are used to meet the objectives of the course and attend to the varied ability levels of the CP students in the class.
ENGLISH 2: Grade 10 | Honors | 1 Credit
Recommendation: Completion of English 1 Honors with at least a B- or teacher recommendation.
English 2 Honors reflects the state-recommended standards in the English Language Arts Frameworks document. Tenth grade students will complete the state-mandated MCAS test in the spring of their sophomore year. Results from these tests will become a part of their permanent file. Students in this honors level course should be highly motivated and possess the skills necessary to understand, analyze, and appreciate literature. The honor students’ attitude and performance reflect the dispositions of independent learners. They are conscientious in attending to all assignments within the units of study and responsible in meeting all class expectations. Major units of study reflect extensive vocabulary skills and effective language manipulation through writing, speaking, and performance. The texts read and studied include state-recommended classical literature as well as young adolescent literature. While the core curriculum is the same for all levels, the students in the honors level course do more in-depth study of work, may do more independent reading, writing and research, and do so at a brisk intellectual pace.
Grade 11
Grade 11 students are required to take one of the following courses::
ENGLISH 3: American Literature | Grade 11 | College Prep | 1 Credit
The curriculum for this course reflects the state-recommended standards in the English Language Arts Frameworks document. This course builds upon previous ELA instruction with an emphasis on American Literature. In this class, students will study and write about the development of American philosophy and writing styles through the twentieth century. The works of major American writers will be studied in depth. The writing required in this class is designed for the developing writer who is progressing towards mastery of essay writing skills and able to respond positively to constructive criticism. The course emphasizes two areas: developing a strong personal voice and improving literary analysis skills. Students are expected to be active participants in peer editing activities and class discussion. In addition to the regularly assigned literary compositions, students will complete a research paper and the college placement essay folder.
ENGLISH 3: American Literature | Grade 11 | Honors | 1 Credit
Recommendation: Completion of English 2 Honors with at least a B- or teacher recommendation.
The curriculum for this course reflects the state recommended standards in the English Language Arts Frameworks document. Students will study and write about the development of American philosophy and writing styles through the twentieth century. The works of major American writers will be studied in depth. The writing required in this class is designed for the mature writer who has demonstrated a mastery of essay writing skills, is self-motivated, and able to respond positively to constructive criticism. The course emphasizes two areas: developing a strong personal voice and improving literary analysis skills. Students are expected to be active participants in peer editing activities and class discussion. In addition to the regularly assigned literary compositions, students will complete a research paper and the college placement essay folder. While the core curriculum is the same for all levels, the students in the honors level course do more in-depth study of work, may do more independent reading, writing and research, and do so at a brisk intellectual pace.
Advanced Placement Language & Composition | Grade 11 | AP | 1 Credit
Recommendation: Completion of English 2 Honors with a grade of B- or better or teacher recommendation.
The AP English Language & Composition course is designed to help students become skilled thinkers and writers who think critically and compose for a variety of purposes. This class focuses on writing rhetorical analysis, synthesis, and argument, while reading for an author’s purpose. Students will be identifying, examining, and emulating writing styles. Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer's intentions, audience expectations, and subjects as well as the way conventions, style, and one’s line of reasoning contribute to the efficacy of the author’s purpose. Once these skills are introduced, students will apply them to their study of American Literature and the development of the American identity through its literature. The course is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet college level expectations as well as to deal successfully with the questions of the Advanced Placement examination. Students are expected to be independent learners and to take initiative in class discussion. After registering for the course, students will be given required summer preparatory work. The summer writing and reading assignments will be due on the first day of school. All students are required to take the AP exam.
Grade 12
Grade 12 students are required to take either one full-year English course or two half-year semester English courses:
Full Year Courses (1 credit)
AP English Literature & Composition |Grades 12 | AP | 1 Credit Full-Year
Recommendation: Completion of English 3 Honors or AP English Language & Composition with a grade of B- or better and teacher recommendation. This course is designed for the mature student who has already demonstrated an aptitude for interpreting literature and for written and oral expression. Course content is designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to meet college-level expectations as well as to deal successfully with the questions of the Advanced Placement Examination. Readings for the course are drawn from a variety of genres, styles, periods, and countries; writing assignments focus on literary analysis. Students are expected to be independent learners and to take initiative in class discussion. After registering for the course, students must attend a meeting in which summer preparatory work will be explained. Students are required to complete summer reading from an AP summer reading list and a writing assignment that will be due the first day of school. All students are required to take the AP exam.
ENGLISH 4: News Production: Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit Full-Year
Recommendation: Completion of previous English course with a grade of B- or better. This year-long, hands–on course is designed to introduce students to the field of journalism and enable them to produce Insight, the school’s comprehensive student news source. Through self-directed assignments and mini-lessons along with teacher and peer feedback, students will learn how to write and edit a variety of stories, from breaking news to student profiles, while learning first-hand about the journalism industry, including ethics and press rights and responsibilities. With the oversight of the instructor, students will publish the quarterly magazine Insight as well as weekly on BHSInsight.com and Instagram. Students are responsible for all content, design, advertising, and photography. Those seeking to improve their graphic design, business, photography and writing skills in a real-world publishing environment are encouraged to join. The course includes participation in a variety of contest and conference opportunities, including the New England Scholastic Press Association’s annual conference and awards ceremony at Boston University in May. Advanced students work closely with the advisor to polish their media arts portfolio in preparation for college. As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay will be reviewed.
*Please note that students in all levels of News Production meet during the same block and work collaboratively on the publications in a team-oriented environment.
ENGLISH 4: World Literature: Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit Full-Year
The aim of the course is to develop student understanding of the varieties of human experience by attending to stories from countries and cultures different from their own. While students will be asked to read carefully and to write about the literature in an analytical manner, the underlying task will be for students to imagine living according to a different set of “rules” or cultural assumptions as they read literature from different cultures and countries (in translation if not originally written in English). Students will write at least one formal analytical essay each quarter. Additionally, special focus will be given to the college essay and an independently chosen research paper. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
Semester Courses (1/2 credit):
ENGLISH 4: Children’s Literature | Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
Children’s Literature is a comprehensive and engaging course designed to introduce students to the rich and diverse world of literature created specifically for children and young adults K-8. This course delves into classic and contemporary works of children's literature, fostering a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling and its impact on young readers. Students will explore the themes, characters, and literary techniques through folktales, fairy tales, fantasy, realistic fiction, young adult chapter books and series, and informational books. Students will learn about poetry, prose, illustrations, fiction, and literary genres, study the dynamics of reading aloud, and explore creative techniques for presenting literature. Students will have a variety of written assignments including a research project and the creation of a children’s book to culminate each unit. Students will also collaborate with community members to promote youth literacy. Projects may include story walks, book creation & publishing, and youth literacy events. As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
ENGLISH 4: Contemporary Literature & Writing | Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
This course invites students to explore the diverse and multifaceted landscape of contemporary literature. Together, we will analyze modern readings across genres- novels, short stories, poetry, scripts, graphic novels, and digital media - while examining their stylistic effects and their connections to today’s cultural and societal issues. Through discussion, research, writing, and creative projects, students will take an active role in shaping their experience in the class by selecting independently chosen texts and topics that resonate with them, while refining their writing and analytical skills. As this is a multilevel class, students enrolled in the honors option will have additional expectations for independent reading and associated assignments each semester in order to further explore and develop their literary interests. Additionally, depending on the semester, special focus will be given to the college essay or an independently chosen research paper. Whether you are a reader, writer, graphic artist, gamer, or someone who streams shows nonstop, this class encourages you to think critically about the world around you through the many modes of storytelling and express your ideas in powerful, authentic ways.
ENGLISH 4: Creative Writing | Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
This is a course for students with demonstrable skills in writing creatively and an interest in literature of all genres. The desire to write creatively is expected. The course includes an analysis of the works of professional writers, modeling a variety of styles, a study of different writing techniques and genres, as well as practice in writing essays, poetry, letters, and short stories. Students must be willing to write daily, to share writing with others, and to accept constructive criticism on their work from peers as well as the teacher. Instructional methods include the use of journals and writers’ notebooks, peer editing, readings on writing, and working with peers, in small and large groups. Each student must submit a work to the class culminating in a class book. In addition to writing for class, students are required to submit two pieces of their work for publication in Kaleidoscope, the school’s literary magazine. Students are encouraged to work with or as part of the magazine’s staff as well. As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
ENGLISH 4: Horror & Science Fiction – Grade 12 Multi-level 1/2 Credit
Horror forces us to question our sense of safety and the stability of the human psyche. Science fiction brings us to a galaxy far, far away or to future worlds which can tell us something about our own time. We will be reading and writing about ancient monsters and future worlds. Possible authors include: Mary Shelley, Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ambrose Bierce, Shirley Jackson, and Clive Barker. Students will write their own horror or sci-fi story. Class discussion, participation, and a consistently productive work ethic are essential for success in this class. As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
ENGLISH 4: Research & Technical Writing – Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
This course is designed for students interested in technical writing and research. The course offers specified assistance in writing and communication skills that will be utilized in their immediate professional career. Students will hone their communication skills, research skills, technical writing, professional writing, and visual communication skills. Class discussion, participation, and a consistently productive work ethic are essential for success in this class. The college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed. Other assignments include cover letters and resumes, instructional writing, persuasive writing, and a research project. Students will learn citation formats including the APA and Chicago. As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
ENGLISH 4: Storytelling through Drama – Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
This course is an introduction to the genre of drama. This course is for the student who has an inner monologue narrating their life and is ready to write and perform. It is intended for students to develop their voice and storytelling through drama. Students will explore the craft of playwriting, reading various short plays to determine whose story is being told and why it matters. Students will also craft short works, writing dialogue, monologues, and scenes to tell their stories and the stories of others. The class will work together to perform a sampling of student-written pieces and famous monologues for an audience of their peers. Honors students will be assigned extra readings and assessments each quarter. This course may include field trips to local and regional stage productions. Students may also partner with other BPS classes and schools to foster storytelling through drama--we all have stories to tell! As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
ENGLISH 4: Storytelling through Poetry – Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
This course is an introduction to the genre of poetry. This course is for the student who enjoys writing poetry in their notes app or reposting poems in their snapstories. It is intended for students to develop their voice and storytelling through poetry. Students will read from a diverse collection of poets, including modern songwriters, to understand what stories others are trying to tell, all the while crafting their own. Students will perform individual spoken word and slam poems as well as publish and share their printed work. Honors students will be assigned extra readings and assessments each quarter. This course may include field trips to local museums/galleries and walking trails for inspiration. Students may also partner with other BPS classes and schools to foster storytelling through poetry--we all have stories to tell! As with all senior English courses, the college application process, with an emphasis on the common application and the college essay, will be reviewed and a research paper or project will be completed. Students electing to take the course for honors credit will be required to complete additional assignments and assessments each quarter.
Elective Courses
The following English courses provide additional opportunities for students to explore personal interests and/or options for a future career. The curricula for these courses emphasizes a “hands-on approach” to the course’s content, giving the students application practice of those skills deemed essential in these career pathways. Many core courses may also provide these experiences; however, those listed below are electives that do not satisfy English graduation requirements. These courses may be taken in addition to the core requirements in English.
Note: Please see the BHS Program of Studies for the full course descriptions.
- Grade 8 Literacy Strategies – College Prep | 1/2 Unit
- Grade 8 Reading Skills – College Prep | 1/2 Unit
- Literacy Strategies – Grades 9-10 | College Prep | 1/2 Credit
- Reading Skills – Grades 9-10 | College Prep | 1/2 Credit
- Children’s Literature – Grades 10-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- Contemporary Literature & Writing – Grade 11-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- Creative Writing – Grades 11-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- Horror & Science Fiction – Grades 11-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- News Production 1 – Grades 9-12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
- News Production 2 – Grades 10-12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
- News Production 3 – Grades 11-12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
- Research & Technical Writing – Grades 11-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- Storytelling through Drama – Grades 10-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
- Storytelling through Poetry – Grade 10-12 | Multi-level | 1/2 Credit
World Literature – Grade 11-12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
Yearbook – Grades 10-12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
The Senior Experience – Grade 12 | Multi-level | 1 Credit
The English Department is home to two BHS Pathways: the print publication strand of the Media Arts & Communication Pathway and the Writer’s Pathway.
Media Arts & Communications Pathway
The Media Arts & Communications Pathway is designed to give students interested in communications and journalism careers hands-on experience as they produce publications and programs that provide essential communication to the Barnstable High School community. Students will develop the necessary skills to write, produce, design, and edit original and creative content using industry-standard software. The experience they gain in this pathway will provide students with portfolios of original published work they can use to apply to top-tier communications colleges including Boston University, Emerson, Syracuse and UMass Amherst, where former BHS students are now majoring in media-related degrees. These courses also connect students with local professionals working in media, as well as the opportunity to attend regional conferences and enter a variety of contests.
News Production 1-4 (Insight)*
- Photography 1 & 2
- Graphic Design 1-4
- Cartooning + Animation 1-3
- Yearbook
- Digital Media 1 & 2
Yearbook (Barnacle)*
- Photography 1 & 2
- Graphic Design 1-4
- Cartooning and Animation 1-3
- News Production 1 & 2
- Digital Media 1 & 2
Digital Media 1-3 (B2B TV/ Filmmaking)
- Photography 1 & 2
- Graphic Design 1-4
- Cartooning + Animation 1-3
- News Production 1 & 2
- Yearbook
- Production Assistant for B2BTV
*course descriptions for News Production and Yearbook can be found under the English Department in the Program of Studies. All others, including Digital Media, are listed in the Art Department.
Writer's Pathway
English 1, English 2, English 3: American Literature or Advanced Placement Language & Composition and at minimum 4 of the following: Creative Writing, Storytelling through Drama, Storytelling through Poetry, Research & Technical Writing, AP Literature & Composition. Must also take News Production 1.
Sample Course Progression
Grade 9
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 12
*optional internship with local author, organization, or publication | *optional independent study towards portfolio creation and submission |