Gateway – BHS
Competitive Programs
Future Problem Solving
Future Problem Solving is our most competitive all-around academic program. Students begin in grades 4-5 investigating community problem solving opportunities, begin training for competition in grade six, and teams of four compete in grades 7 - 12. Students must use advanced research skills, teamwork, critical and creative thinking over 17 specific categories, and follow a model to solve a futuristic problem. For information about FPS at Barnstable Intermediate School and Barnstable High School.
More Information
- Email: Deb Contrino
- MassFPS
- FPS International
Mock Trial
The Mock Trial team at BHS is a Gateway program that participates in interscholastic competition. Students in grades 8-12 may participate in rehearsals, but only students in grades 9-12 may participate in competitions. The Mock Trial program is run by the Massachusetts Bar Association, and provides high school students with the opportunity to “test their skills as lawyers and witnesses in a simulated courtroom competition.” Through the program, students learn about the American judicial system and practice the skills used by attorneys in the courtroom. In addition to the two BHS coaches, students work with an attorney from the community to prepare for competition.
More Information
Email: Ms. Holland
- MassBar Mock Trial
Summer Programs
Advanced Studies & Leadership Program (ASLP)
A dynamic summer learning experience delivered by Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Cape Cod Collaborative designed for rising 8th and 9th grade students from Cape Cod Collaborative member and Affiliate districts.