History, Social Sciences & Business
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lots of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. – Robert F. Kennedy
The History, Social Sciences, and Business Department at BHS is aligned with the vision of the Massachusetts Department of Education. Our purpose is to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to become thoughtful and active participants in a democratic society and a complex world. We believe the future of democracy depends on our students’ development of content knowledge, historical reading and writing skills, and civic dispositions that will enable them to embrace democracy’s potential.
The Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance Pathway offers students the opportunity to build and apply business skills to real-world situations. The courses in this Pathway will help students develop an “entrepreneurial mindset” along with many technical skills necessary for success in the business world. Students who are interested in joining the small-business economy of the Cape Cod region upon graduation as well as students who are interested in becoming future CEOs will benefit from participation in this Pathway.
All students need three History and Social Sciences credits, including U.S.I, U.S.II, and World History, to qualify for graduation. Advanced Placement United States History will fulfill the BHS United States History graduation requirement. The recommended program of studies according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education includes World History, United States History I, and United States History II.
Andrew Vince
Curriculum Coordinator: History, Social Science, and Business, Grades 6-12
(508) 790 - 6445; ext. 1199
508-790-6445 |
x3189, 1017 |
World History, AP Psychology |
x3815, 1034 |
Early American History & Civics, World History, and Money Management |
x3130, 1042 |
Early American History & Civics, United States History I |
x3186, 1048 |
Early American History & Civics, United States History I |
x3196, 1054 |
United States History I, Introduction to Criminal Justice |
x3187, 1084 |
Psychology, AP Psychology, United States History II |
x3119, 1088 |
AP United States History, AP Economics, Business, Management & Leadership |
x3133, 1107 |
United States History I, United States History II |
x3135, 1109 |
World History, AP World History |
x3134, 1133 |
United States History II, Early American History & Civics |
x3169, 1227 |
Introduction to Business, Applied Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Finance |
x3182, 1125 |
World History, AP Psychology |
x3197, 1128 |
World History, United States History I |
x3129, 1136 |
United States History II, AP U.S. Government & Politics |
x3138, 1138 |
AP Human Geography, United States History II |
x3169, 1227 |
Introduction to Business, Entrepreneurship |
x3180, 1156 |
AP World History, United States History I |
x3201, 1174 |
Economics & Personal Finance, AP United States History, Introduction to Business |
x3134, 1178 |
United States History II, Global Issues, AP United States History |
x3189, 1187 |
Early American History & Civics, World History |
x3189, 1813 |
Early American History & Civics, United States History I |
x3183, 1211 |
World History, United States History II, African-American Experience |
All students need three History and Social Sciences credits, including U.S.I, U.S.II, and World History, to qualify for graduation. Advanced Placement United States History will fulfill the BHS United States History graduation requirement. The recommended program of studies according to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education includes World History, United States History I, and United States History II.
- Early American History and Civics 2353 | Grade 8 | College Prep
- Early American History and Civics 2352 | Grade 8 | Honors
- World History – From the Age of Reason to the Nuclear Age 0228 | Grade 9 | College
- Prep World History – From the Age of Reason to the Nuclear Age 0229 | Grade 9 | Honors 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement Human Geography 0275 | Grade 9 | Advanced Placement 1 credit
- U.S. History I – Union and Disunion 0242 | Grade 10 | College Prep 1 Credit
- U.S. History I – Union and Disunion 0241 Grade 10 | Honors 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement World History 0230 | Grades 10-12 | Advanced Placement 1 Credit
- U.S. History II – The Roaring 20th Century 0246 | Grade 11 | College Prep 1 Credit
- U.S. History II – The Roaring 20th Century 0245 | Grade 11 | Honors 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement U.S. History 0240 | Grades 11-12 | Advanced Placement 1 Credit
- Principles of Economics and Personal Finance 0268(CP), 0269(H) | Grades 11-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
- Psychology 0250(CP), 0251(H) | Grades 11-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement European History 0226 | Grades 11-12 | 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement Psychology 0239 | Grades 11-12 | Advanced Placement 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement Economics 0262 | Grades 11-12 | Advanced Placement 1 Credit
- Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics 0207 | Grade 12 | Advanced Placement 1 Credit
- Street Law and Society 1274(CP), 1275(H) | Grade 12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
- Black Studies 1266(CP), 1267(H) | Grades 11-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
- Global Issues for Global Citizens 1276(CP)/1277(H) |Grades 10-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance Pathway
Leadership 1282(CP)/1283(H) | Grades 9-10 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Leadership doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Fortunately, we can learn leadership skills (or improve them if you’re a natural). In this course you will build the leadership skills you need to excel in college and your career. You will discuss contemporary leadership and teamwork literature, complete a team-based project, and put your leadership skills into action at school, at home, and in the community. If you envision becoming (or you already are) a leader in the school or community, this course is for you.
Personal Finance Management, Social Emotional Learning
Money Management 1286(CP), 1287(H) | Grades 9-10 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Learn how to take charge of your money and build wealth. In this course, you will gain the smarts you will need to make major purchases such as a car and a house, along with ways to protect your money with insurance and by investing. And true to the High School of Business program, this course isn’t just about sitting and listening. You will do hands-on projects. Throughout the course, students are presented with problem-solving situations for which they must apply academic and critical-thinking skills.
Personal Finance Management, Social Emotional Learning
Introduction to Business 1279(CP)/1278(H) | Grades 10-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Q: What do your favorite rock group's tour schedule, the logo on a coffee mug, and the Wall Street Journal all have in common?
A: Business. It’s everywhere. This course will open your eyes to the world of business. During the course you will be introduced to some of the major areas of business administration (marketing, management, and finance) through fun, real-world projects. In the second half of the year you will consider how decisions affect businesses and individuals in the short and long-term. You will also conduct research and examine business problems as you learn about microeconomic, macroeconomic, and international economic concepts. (This course uses the High School of Business MBA Research and Curriculum Center curriculum for Principles of Business and Business Economics.) DECA is a major component of this course and participation in the DECA District level competition is highly encouraged.
Employability and Career Readiness, Creative Skills, Research and Technology Skills
Entrepreneurship 1264(CP)/1265(H) | Grades 10-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
(This course was formerly called Entrepreneurship II.)
This course will ignite your imagination as you develop business skills and grow your entrepreneurial mindset. Organized around highly engaging learning experiences and project-based learning, this National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship curriculum helps you develop critical, career-ready skills that will prepare you to succeed in the workplace, start your own business, and/or further your education. Units include Operation Mindset, Testing an Opportunity, Building a Competitive Edge, Creating Your Biggest Fans, and Making a Profit. Towards the end of the year, students will have opportunities to pitch their business opportunities to judges in local, regional, and national competitions. DECA is a major component of this course and participation in the DECA District level competition is highly encouraged.
Employability and Career Readiness, Creative Skills, Research and Technology Skills
Applied Entrepreneurship 1281(CP)/1280(H) | Grades 11, 12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship or teacher recommendation
In this advanced Entrepreneurship course, students deepen the development of their entrepreneurial mindset while refining their business models, developing their products or services, and mastering sales and marketing, finance, and small business management skills. Partnering with NFTE: National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, students compete for startup capital and prizes locally, regionally, and nationally. In addition, students will run a screen printing shop as a school-based enterprise. Upon completion of Entrepreneurship and Applied Entrepreneurship, students are prepared to take the Certiport Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB) certification exam. DECA is a major component of this course and participation in the DECA District level competition is highly encouraged.
Employability and Career Readiness, Creative Skills, Research and Technology Skills
Business, Management & Leadership 1256(CP), 1257(H) |Grades 11-12 | Multi-level 1 Credit
Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship or teacher recommendation.
Are you great at sales and want to put those skills to work? Are you a Social Entrepreneur? Do you have an idea for a community project you feel passionate about? Do you see a need in your community and want to be an agent of change? This course will help you learn how to put those desires and skills into action and perhaps launch your own (or someone else’s) dream business. Being a leader in business has many perks, but it demands creativity, innovation, organization, and a strong commitment to an ethical business strategy. In this course, students will develop valuable business knowledge as well as strong presentation and interviewing skills. This is a hands-on, project-based course where students explore their own interests through market research and project planning. This is the capstone course for the Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance Pathway. DECA is a major component of this course and participation in the DECA District level competition is highly encouraged.
Employability and Career Readiness, Creative Skills, Research and Technology Skills